Real-Time Credential Verification
To verify a professional's Certified Value Analysis Healthcare Professional (CVAHPTM) certification status, please use our online directory which is updated in real-time:
AHVAP Certification Center Credential Verification Service
**To locate a certified professional, select the option for "Earners" and then type in the individual's name in the search.
Please note that this service is available free of charge. To report a violation of the use of the CVAHPTM credential, please contact the AHVAP Certification Center Compliance Department:
New CVAHPTM Digital Certificates Via Credly
Healthcare Professionals and other professionals holding the CVAHPTM credential will also be issued a digital certificate that is similar to the below:
On the certificant's actual certificate, the QR code located under the "verify this certification" can be scanned using any smartphone to verify the current certification status.
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